eco ideas
Clothing is connected to nature more than we know...
What garments we choose to wear, how we wear & care for them, and how we dispose of them also affect nature, people & planet.
​Eco ideas aims to:-
1. Create sustainable garments inspired by biological principles.
2. Design garments & develop materials for a wearer's needs & enhance their connectedness with nature.
3. Conserve nature & the protect people who make the garments.
Linking Together
Graphic Design
Variables throughout a garment lifecycle can affect the release of microfibres; both fibre pullout & fragmentation across all fibre types. The Microfibre Management Infographic tool will map research, conclusions & ultimately guide global solutions to the microfibres problem.
Biov8tion - Content
Eco ideas - Graphic design realisation
Utopian Visions
Ideal Collaboration
When Pip Cooper & I started collaborating we knew we could make fashion spectacular & meaningful. After much ideation, we have created a custom sustainable fashion collection that we were both passionate about. Working with Pip on the Utopian visions has been the ideal collaboration.
Beach Clean Ups
Supporting the work of the Marine Conservation Society eco ideas participates in monthly beach cleanups in the local area.